Wow! What can I say? This has been a much more interesting and exciting journey than I ever thought it could be. I am so glad to have taken a peek "down the rabbit hole" and fallen in. I had more than enough hours for the year as I usually do. I always like learning new things and have more hours than I need every year. Having made that statement, I now have to confess that I was jarred out of my complacentness by the offer of rollover training though I will need them.......go figure.
There were a number of things that I about which I enjoyed learning. I really liked enhancing photographs as well as utilizing mashups and tools. One surprise was creating an avatar. I wasn't that interested and was just going to do something simple and not spend a lot of time on it. Silly me! Once I found the ice skates, I had to completely redo my avatar! In addition, I felt the same way about Social Networking, but discovered there were a couple that were of interest to me. I was amazed to find decorating and cats in the social networking sites. I enjoyed Library Thing and thought I would make use of it, but so far I haven't. I do like Library Elf. I didn't think I was going to, but I actually like him better than my HCPL reminder emails. YouTube was an interesting experience. I was not planning on spending much time on it, and once again, I was drawn in.
The downloading media experience was awesome as well. I found books to read to myself, and books to record for others.Some of the things I won't probably use again, but am happy to know about so that I can help someone esle were the RSS Feeds and Web-Based apps. Maybe at some point in the future the web-based apps will apply more to my life, but right now they don't.
This whole experience has been an amazing journey. I was a reluctant "tourist" at first, but am thankful for the trip.
I look forward to new an exciting experiences in the future. All aboard!!!